LOS ANGELES — Marilyn Flynn, the former dean of USC’s School of Social Work, has been sentenced to 1 1/2 years of home confinement and ordered to pay a $150,000 fine for her involvement in a bribery scheme. The scheme involved bribing a Los Angeles County supervisor in exchange for the renewal of a lucrative contract.

Taking Responsibility for Actions

U.S. District Judge Dale S. Fischer decided on home confinement for Flynn rather than prison, considering her quick acceptance of responsibility. Flynn, 84, served as dean of USC’s School of Social Work from 1997 to 2018. Last year, she pleaded guilty to a federal bribery charge. Prosecutors revealed that in 2018, Flynn devised a plan to funnel $100,000 from campaign funds provided by Mark Ridley-Thomas through the university to a nonprofit organization run by his son.

Trading Favors for Contracts

According to prosecutors, Ridley-Thomas offered to support county contracts for USC’s School of Social Work in exchange for assistance for his son. This favor was potentially worth millions of dollars in new revenue for the institution.

This recent sentencing serves as a reminder of the consequences that come with corrupt actions in higher education. It highlights the importance of maintaining ethical practices and upholding the reputation of academic institutions.

Sebastian Ridley-Thomas Resigns Amid Allegations

Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, a former state assemblyman, made headlines as he resigned on the last day of 2017. The resignation came amidst allegations of an unwanted sexual advance towards a Capitol staffer. Prosecutors revealed that $100,000 was directed towards his organization, known as the Policy, Research & Practice Initiative.

Controversy Surrounds Scholarship Offer

The Extensive Political History of Mark Ridley-Thomas

Mark Ridley-Thomas, the father of Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, boasts an impressive political career. He has served as a Los Angeles City Council member, a California State senator, and a state Assembly member. However, his reputation took a hit when he was convicted of federal corruption charges in March. Sentencing is scheduled for next month, where he potentially faces several years in prison.

Regret and Embarrassment in USC Scandal

During her sentencing hearing, Flynn expressed deep regret and embarrassment for any distress caused to USC due to her own “lapse in care.” She remarked that she never anticipated such a judgment of wrongdoing after a distinguished 50-year career. The judge ultimately concurred with her sentiments.

Lifetime of Dedication and Service Comes to an End

Unparalleled Dedication

Throughout the years, enduring commitment and tireless effort have defined the individual in question. Their unwavering dedication to their chosen path of service sets them apart, making their presence and impact indelible.

A Remarkable Career

The accomplishments achieved over the course of this distinguished career are a testament to their exceptional abilities and unwavering determination. From the beginning, they have continuously strived for excellence, leaving an indelible mark on the industry they wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to.

An Unexpected Farewell

Regrettably, this unwelcome conclusion brings an unexpected end to a chapter marked by unparalleled dedication. Though saddened by the circumstances, we must acknowledge with gratitude the immense contributions made by this remarkable individual.

May their legacy serve as an inspiration for future generations who seek to follow in their footsteps and make a meaningful difference through a lifetime of devoted service.

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