HodlBot provides us with automated crypto trading experience. It’s a customizable cryptocurrency trading bot that allows users to index the market, create custom portfolios, and automatically rebalance them.

About HodlBot

HodlBot Crypto Bot

The trading bot works with crypto assets on the well-known exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken. The presentation provides us with information about indices that are used to spot trading opportunities on every exchange.

Payment Options: Crypto assets 
Price: $3/month
Supported Exchanges: Binance, Coinbase, Kraken

HodlBot features

The presentation includes information about the system that we have gathered for you. 

  • We can diversify our risks and profits. 
  • The devs built the HODL indices for users who want to diversify across the market instead of picking individual coins.
  • We can customize our portfolios. 
  • We have to select a coin and pick a strategy. 
  • It’s possible to create a cryptocurrency index composed of the top N coins.
  • If the market moves, the portfolio is automatically rebalanced. 
  • We can customize the advisor however we want.
  • We are allowed to change your rebalancing frequency, blacklist coins which we want to avoid trading, and liquidate our assets anytime.
  • We can expect to get 24/7 support.
  • We have to run an account on Binance or Kraken with $200 on it.
  • HodlBot connects to our account via the API.
  • All user data is encrypted (HMAC SHA-256).
  • The HODL indices are total market indices designed to track the performance of the entire cryptocurrency market. 
  • On Binance the following starter indices are available: HODL10 (top 10), HODL20 (top 20), HODL30 (top 30).
  • On Kraken the following starter indices are available: Kraken10 (top 10).
  • We should note that the default rebalancing period is 28 days.
  • We can change it when we want.
  • HODL10 uses an exponentially weighted moving average of market capitalization.
  • The system can be backtested on the past data if we create our own indexes.
  • There are several methods of rebalancing: periodic rebalancing, threshold rebalancing, range rebalancing, volatility-based rebalancing, and active rebalancing.
  • They vary by percentage.
  • We can disable rebalancing and allow the portfolio drift.

How does it work?

The advisor works automatically. There is over $50M trading volume, more than 400K transactions, over 10K of happy traders, and over 20K of custom portfolios.

Compatible exchanges

We can work through the following exchanges: Binance, Kraken, KuCoin, and Bittrex.

How does HodlBot stand out?

We can customize our portfolio by automatic rebalancing. No extra effort is needed.

Best for: professional traders

The rebalancing process looks complicated for beginners.


We have three prices in the offer that vary by the account size. If our account is below $500, we have to pay $3 monthly. If we have an account from $500 to $1000, we should pay $6 a month. For accounts that are over $1000, the subscription costs $15 monthly. The offer has no lifetime license. We also cannot rely on a refund policy. 

How safe is HodlBot?

People testimonials.

We have many positive testimonials about the system and how good the crypto bot is. The good thing is we can contact the people who wrote these reviews. So, most of all, the reviews are trustworthy.

HodlBot reputation

The system has a good reputation because of many positive reviews from former clients.

Is it a good choice for beginners?

We don’t think so. It’s better for experienced traders.

Many features applied
We can work with various strategies
Affordable pricing
Many positive testimonials
No team revealed
No risk to work with the system explained
A short list of supported exchanges
No backtest reports provided
No trading results shown
No refunds applied
The system works with HODL strategies. It can rebalance our portfolio based on various rebalancing methods. Alas, the presentation isn’t featured by backtest reports or verified trading results. However, there are many positive customer reviews on the dev’s website provided. So, if you want to get more information about the service you may contact one of traders directly through Twitter.

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