If you have created an expert advisor that is constantly yielding profits, a great opportunity to earn additionally is to commercialize your robot. It easy to achieve and does not require a big investment, there are ways where you do not have to make any investment, except your time.

So, what are the options that you have?

You can sell your robot at the MetaTrader market. This option does not require any investment. You will need to open the account at mql5.com, an official MetaTrader site, then you will need to register yourself as a seller. This process can last for a few days. After that, you will able to offer your products and services at the platform’s site. To put your robot on the market you will need to enter the market section and press Add new product button. Then, in the input-form, you will enter basic information about the robot, add the description, enter the logo and add some screenshots, set the price for unlimited use and the price for a temporary period, and upload the product to the site. Now, your expert is on the market waiting for the buyers.

A disadvantage here is that everybody can download it for a back-testing in strategy editor for free. So, in theory, a person who can decompile the expert (it is possible) can get it for free and can steal your ideas. Experts that are sold on the market cannot use a web-request function that ensures constant data exchange with the already distributed expert. Also, they cannot call any external file, it includes a call of the indicator that is stored in a separate file and a call of DLL library.

If you do not like the MetaTrader market, another option is to create a web-page where you would promote and sell your EA. Here you will have to invest in a domain and the website creation (if you cannot create it by yourself). With the web-page solution, you cannot rent your robot but also no one will be able to download it for free. You will be able to implement the web-request function, use custom indicators that you have in separate files and call a DLL library.

In case your expert advisor is valuable to you and you want to keep it on your computer you still have the option to earn extra money. You can start your signal service and become a signal provider. Trading signals will be issued by your robot. You will need to ensure that it is running 24 hours 5 days a week. You can become a signal provider via the mql5.com platform. Enter the signal section and select Create your own signal option. In the registration form make up an interesting name, add the description, enter signal account providing data and set the service price. After submitting the form you will be ready for providing the signals.

To attract the buyers you will have to promote your product. The best promotion for the robot is its trading report, the information about its past performance, especially about profitability and about draw-down. The most sincere way to show the performance is if you link the account where your robot was trading to myfxbook.com. Though past performance does not guarantee anything in the future, good robots can constantly yield good results over a longer period. Social media presence will be very useful and can certainly boost your sales. Also, do not promise something that your expert cannot achieve. I advise you to create a promotional video where you will briefly explain how the robot works and show its trading performance.

Do not forget to create the user manual where you will provide a detailed explanation of your robot’s entry parameters. When you start to sell your product try to maintain a good relationship with your customers. Be helpful and answer all their questions. Inform them about the product updates and encourage them to write reviews.

So, you can commercialize your expert advisor by selling it at the MetaTrader market. The process does not require any investment and can be completed in a few minutes. You may sell it from a website, it will require an investment in its creation and domain. Putting the performance stats on myfxbook.com is the best promotion for the robot. Alternatively, you can earn additionally by providing the signals generated by your EA.

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