PZ Trading is a website where you can get Metatrader EAs using different trading strategies as well as a wide variety of indicators. The vendor claims that all of them have been created to ensure safe and predictable execution. It is further stated that they can be modified to suit different risk profiles and trading styles.

Point Zero Trading presentation

Product Offering

On the official website of Point Zero Trading, we can see that the vendor is offering a limited 50% discount on all products. All the strategies and EAs have been explained in detail, and live trading proof is provided for each. We also have a long list of user reviews and a blog section where different Forex strategies and indicators are covered.

The founder of Point Zero Trading is Arthur Lopez, a private investor, and speculator who is also a software analyst. We can see that the company is registered in Hong Kong, but we don’t have enough information about its background. No physical address is provided for the company and the identities of the developer team are not revealed. So in terms of vendor transparency, Point Zero Trading fails to impress us.

The price of the EAs range from $149 to $499, while the indicators are priced between $99 and $299. We think the pricing packages are quite standard compared to the market average. That being said, the vendor does not provide any money-back guarantees for his products, which might deter some individuals from investing. 

Point Zero Trading

Type Fully Automated
Price $149-499
Strategy Grid, Stop Reverse, Triangular Arbitrage, Averaging, Hedging, etc.
Compatible Platforms MT4 and MT5
Currency Pairs All
Timeframe All
Recommended Min. Deposit Not disclosed
Leverage Not disclosed

Trading Strategy

There are different Forex EAs sold by Point Zero Trading that use different strategies. The Latency Arbitrage strategy, for example, allows you to earn gains by capitulating on the price inefficiencies between different brokers. Then there is the Hedging EA that places a fixed number of alternating trades clustered around the current price to close all of them in small profits.

Another EA uses the Averaging strategy where consecutive orders are placed in the same direction and at predetermined intervals, thus generating a net profit. We appreciate the vendor taking the time to explain each and every strategy in detail. It will certainly make a trader feel more confident about investing in the indicators and EAs.

Trading Results

Point Zero Trading Backtest

Here we shall analyze the backtesting result for the Day Trading EA which has been conducted from 2010 to 2015 on the EUR/USD pair. Initially, a deposit of $1000 was made for the purpose of the backtest, from which a net profit of $1647321.63 was generated. We can see a high win rate of 80.34% for the trades, and a gross profit of $131846.99. 

During the tenure of the backtest, the Day Trading EA from Point Zero Trading managed 31 maximum consecutive wins, while only suffering from 5 consecutive losses. It has a low relative drawdown of 12.14%, which tells us that the losses were not too heavy. The profit factor is 2.13, which is more than decent for a day trading system. 

Point Zero Trading Myfxbook

Although live trading results have been provided for the Day Trading EA, it is quite odd that no trades have been placed through this account since 15th December 2016. This essentially means that we have little or no idea about how the robot would perform in the current market conditions. While this account was active, it made 10272 trades, winning 4676 out of them, representing a win rate of 46%. This makes us wonder whether the trading was discontinued due to the relatively low win rate.

The daily and monthly rates for this account are 0.05% and 2.63% respectively, while the drawdown is moderate at 25.60%. From the trading history, we can see that the last few trades placed through this account were closed in losses. It has a profit factor of 1.22, which is much lower, compared to the backtesting data.

Customer Reviews

Point Zero Trading Customer Reviews

There are several user reviews for Point Zero Trading on the Forex Peace Army website. Here, many users have criticized the poor customer service provided by the company, with one user stating that the vendor refused to listen to them when they told him about the indicator not working properly.

Verified live trading results and backtests
Strategies explained clearly
Products offered at discounted prices
Lack of vendor transparency
Trading results not updated since 2016
Negative customer reviews
At this moment, we cannot pass a definite judgment regarding the reliability of Point Zero Trading. While the vendor shares the backtesting and live trading results, we can’t check the recent performance of the EAs since no recent trades have been placed through the accounts. The negative customer reviews don’t do the company any favors either.

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