FX Atom Pro is the brand-new Forex Indicator created by Karl Dittmann, promising to make easy and high profit while trading only an hour a day. Visiting the site we find out that the presentation starts with the video about rocketing our trading. Karl Dittmann tries to reach out to those who lost belief in their success in the Forex market.

The software is designed to generate accurate BUY/SELL signals on the chart.

FX Atom Pro Offering

TYPEForex Indicator
TIMEFRAMEM15, M30, H1, H4, D1
PRICE$395 (FULL) / $147 (Limited Offer)
MONEY BACK GUARANTEEYes (30 days, full)

For the price, you’ll get the FX Atom Pro trading package, including a downloadable buy/sell indicator, a step-by-step tutorial with trading tips, and 24/7 email support.

You can use FX Atom Pro for one live trading account only. If you want to use it on multiple accounts, then you need to buy one more license.

Trading Strategy

The developer doesn’t provide us with any details about the FX Atom Pro trading strategy. The only information that we have is that the robot enhanced to run in three risk management modes.

  • Conservative (signals frequency – normal and with high safety; trend reversal detection – optimal)
  • Medium mode (signals frequency – high and with average safety; trend reversal detection – fast)
  • Aggressive mode (signals frequency – extreme and with low safety; trend reversal detection – maximum)

The system is designed with running stop-loss and take-profit features. It has sound alerts, email alerts, and mobile push notifications, so you don’t have to watch the charts all the time.

fx atom pro presentation

Exploring the presentation, we can find some good for nothing screenshots with a layer over them like there were these pips traded.

fx atom pro presentation

It’s another one. There are many of them. 

Is this information sufficient to analyze the trading strategy? Can it somehow help the traders to make their final decision about purchasing the product? I don’t think so.

Customer Feedback

fx atom pro reviews from customers fx atom pro reviews from customers

So, there are some screenshots of the people’s feedback. We’re not sure about they’re fake or real ones. There’s no feedback on Trustpilot or other sites.

Signals notifications
Various modes of trading
30-day money-back guarantee
No backtests or real account trading results are provided
No strategies or patterns explanation
62 pages of good-for-nothing presentation
We couldn’t find any proves or real people feedback that this signal provider is good enough to be applied to your real account. We’ve read 60+ pages presentation just in order to find at least backtests or links on the demo or real live accounts of the robot, but there’s nothing. The dev introduced himself as the person “who trades on Forex since forever”, if so, where are accounts of him? How we can be sure he’s got the proper experience to provide correct signals. At least, there’s the money-back guarantee.

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