Perfect Trend System is the name of a Forex product provider which deals with signals, manual trading systems, indicators, and robots. They offer a wide variety of Forex products on their website. This service has been created by Mike Semlitsch, an experienced trader who has been operating since 2007. Perfect Trend System was launched in 2017, adding a number of different services to its product line. The developer is active on Twitter himself, along with other blogs. Thus, Perfect Trend System seems like a service run by the developer himself and does not involve any other personnel. 

The Perfect Trend System provides a signals service, along with V Power, which is an MT4 compatible Expert Advisor, along with Edgezone Expert Advisor. V Power comes into packages; the package valued at €143 is for a 12-month duration, while the lifetime license goes for €239. The EdgeZone Expert Advisor is priced at €59.

Product Offering

TYPEFully-automated EAs
PRICEV Power: €143-€239
EdgeZone: €59

Trading Strategy

Since there are two different types of EAs on offer by the Perfect trend system, we shall have to take a look at the trading strategies implemented by each, individually.

V Power

V Power is the MT4 compatible EA provided by the Perfect Trend System. It provides an effective day trading strategy to helps traders with their entries and exits in the market. Traders are provided with 5 trading articles which explains how the strategy will be applied with specific examples. 

EdgeZone Expert Advisor

This is another expert advisor provided by Perfect Trend System which actually employs three different trading styles, namely, trend continuation trading, Price range trading, and trend reversal trading. They have provided some explanation as to how they implement it, which makes it look like the strategy is well thought out. 

Outside of these two systems, Perfect Trend System also provides some manual strategies for Double Tops/Bottom, Perfect momentum setups, trading indicators, and magic entries within strong trends. 


Information about Backtests can reveal a lot about EAs and how they work. A good back-test result can provide much-needed insight on how an EA performs on historical data and acts as an assurance for potential buyers. However, in this case, no such back-test is provided. It is in stark contrast with some of its competitors, who have uploaded back-tests on authoritative, third party sites. 

Trading Results

Many EAs provide live statistics to real trading accounts to provide legitimacy to some of the bolder claims they make. In Perfect Trend System’s case, they fail to provide individual trading statistics for anyone the EAs they have provided. However, Mike Semlitsch has provided live statistics to his own account, hosted on

perfect trend system trading results

While the above statistics are impressive, they do little to actually highlight how the individual EAs would perform as this is Mike’s personal trading account. Thus, Perfect Trend System needs to provide statistics from the individual trading account which have used the EAs in question, for them to be taken seriously in this saturated market.

Multiple EAs
Comparatively low price
Lack of verified live trading results
Back-test data not provided
Trading strategy not explained fully
Perfect Trend System definitely has multiple aspects that are praiseworthy, including the clear instructions provided and the layout of the website. However, the fact that there aren’t any separate performance results included for each of their products, raises some doubts and questions. They should try to address these issues if they hope to be taken seriously by the majority of potential buyers.

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