Elite FX Signals is a company that provides three services: education, signals, and EA. The site looks simple as for a company that provides many services. We can automatically copy trades from the leading traders of their team.

Elite FX Signals presentation

Elite FX Signals subscribe

As soon as we stay for several seconds on the site, we’re offered to trade our email for their spam. If you still need it, use a temporary email for this.

Product Offering

Let’s try to group up information about their signals:

  • We can copy-trade deals automatically from the master account to ours.
  • The team unites traders with over 25 years of trading experience.
  • The signals are provided for 28 currency pairs.
  • The signals are traded with the lowest drawdowns.
  • We can start trading experience free.
  • We have to connect an account to the master account.
  • The trading frequency is from five to twenty-eight trades weekly.
  • The expected profit should be from 4 to up to 40%. We don’t believe that profitability can vary that much.

Elite FX Signals setup fee

  • It’s a fraud statement. $999 for trying these signals. No, thanks. It sounds and looks like a scam.
  • The traders or EAs can holde trades over the weekend.
  • Win-rate should be 86%.

Elite FX Signals price

There’s a single package that costs insane money – $999. We can use their VPS service. It’s a one-time free offer. We can rely on 24/5 welcome support.

Trading Strategy

There’s no single line about what strategies the EA or the trader perform. We’re forced to trust them blindly. 

Trading Results

Elite FX Signals Trading Results

The developers hid backtest reports. It’s unprofessional. The worst only can be that they are not the owners of that EA and there are no backtests or they just resend someone’s signals. Both cases decrease the company’s transparency. This scam pips earned sheet is everything we have about how profitable their signals, EA, or traders are. Where are November and December 2020’s trading results? So, this is not a widget but a self-made chart without data connected to it. We’ve googled for them, but there are no accounts connected to this service. It means no checking their performance for us.

Customer Reviews

Elite FX Signals Customer Reviews

Elite FX Signals Customer Reviews

There are two live stories about an owner and developer behind the system. We can check if they’re not scams.

Elite FX Signals happy clients

These numbers tell us nothing too. 

Elite FX Signals Customer Reviews

Elite FX Signals Customer Reviews

There are only positive testimonials on the site with five-star rates.

Elite FX Signals Customer Reviews

The company has a page on Forex Peace Army with a 3.77 rate based on 48 reviews.

Elite FX Signals Customer Reviews

As we said, people checked their software, and it’s a scam. They didn’t provide their clients with trading results as well.

Elite FX Signals Customer Reviews

Many traders have used this software for several months and completely regret this.

No pros
The scam-like presentation
No settings explanations provided
No strategies revealed
No money-management advice provided
No backtest reports provided
No trading verified results provided
Insane pricing
No money-back-guarantee provided
Many negative testimonials are on Forex Peace Army
Elite FX Signals is another scam service that sells the EA for $199 and signals for $999 without any sign of past trading results. So, we can’t even check if these 4%-40% of the monthly gains are true. All the devs want is that we trust them blindly. Thank people, there is much feedback on Forex Peace Army that only proves our fears. It’s another scam service. We always warn of the signal services without proven trading results because many of these companies use several bought EAs that generate signals all day long. It allows mixing signals so no one says these signals are stolen. Providing free signals or verified trading results is the first and most common step to get a piece of our trust.

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